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Niamh Bryn

Niamh Bryn photo Niamh Bryn
  • Black Belt

I am the head coach at Snowblind BJJ. I've spent a little more than 17 years in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and well over 20 in the martial arts. I began with traditional kung fu, escrima, and karate but over time I made the transition into grappling because I felt many of the things I was doing lacked realism and were hard on my smaller body type. I have been lucky to train with instructors such as Gustavo Machado, Raphael Assuncao, Edgar Dutra, Fabin Rosa, Wade Rome, and Ricardo Liborio. My goal is to promote improved teaching methodology and a healthy gym culture. 

Carlos Gracie Carlson Gracie > Ricardo Libório > Wade Rome