Snowblind BJJ photo

Located in the Capitol Hill neighbourhood of Seattle, Snowblind BJJ delivers a unique ju-jitsu curriculum that is focused not on learning "moves" but instead the biomechanics that make those moves effective. Rather than simply trying to follow along and leaving the onus upon the student to refine the technique you will get a strong fundamental understanding of how the underlying grips, movements and positioning integrate together into an effective style of grappling. 

Our gym focuses heavily on creating an inclusive environment that promotes self improvement and personal growth. We strive to offer a place where beginners or those with experience alike can "stand up" for themselves. 

Many people see a combat sport
or martial art as something for violent people or even just those who are
naturally athletic. Jiu Jitsu is unique in that it allows anyone
from any walk of life to succeed!

We offer an environment where we not only welcome
but we ENCOURAGE those who feel uncomfortable in a more
"conventional" environment to come train. No matter your
background, age, or experience level you can find a place here.

We have special experience dealing with LGBTQ+ students
and strive to provide a safe place to teach self defence skills, build confidence,
and provide community to those who need it the most.


Do You have questions for us regarding the gym? Hit us up here and we'll get back to you ASAP!

Thanks for your message! We'll respond as soon as possible.